Week 21…already!!

Time is passing quickly. …for now!! What seemed like 20 years to get to the 12-week scan has now flown by to be at 21 weeks, very nearly 22 weeks in no time.

Most people say that the 2nd trimester is the best, that you feel well etc. But I think that in my case it is a lie. I am still struggling with morning sickness. Now don’t get me wrong I am extremely extremely grateful I am able to experience this but when you have had sickness for so many weeks, being sick 4-6 times a day and are still being sick 1-2 times a day now, sometimes more nearly every day it is draining especially in this weather, dehydration is definitely a big concern…thank goodness for ice lollies!! I have been to the GP this week about it and she surprised me with acupuncture. It has been proven to help with morning sickness. I had a needle in the inside of each wrist for roughly 10 minutes. If this helps she has said I can go back and have it again if it starts to wear off. She has given me some anti sickness just in case though. I am also pretty achey with my hips and back so getting the lift at work for more than one flight of stairs is becoming a requirement, otherwise I am an in pain, hot, panting sweaty mess!! Of course, the heat and tiredness aren’t great but they are manageable.

My little bump is starting to grow and become a much bigger bump, it feels daily. I have been taking weekly pictures to have a record of just how much bigger I am getting each week and it’s so strange to see just how ‘flat’ my stomach actually was before I got pregant compared to now, not that it ever seemed that flat at the time!! A lot of people have started to notice more that there is a bump growing under my baggy work uniform and have asked me if I am pregnant, it still feel incredibly weird being able to say I am. In my own clothes though you can tell that I am pregnant and not just putting weight on which I love!! I love my bump sticking out in all its glory!! Everytime I pass a mirror I have a cheeky little glance at it!!

We had our 20 weeks scan last week which was amazing. It is just incredibly to see baby moving about on the screen again and getting to hear the heart beat. I don’t think I would ever tire of it. Bubs was so much bigger this time obviously and it was much easier to see everything clearly, like baby’s fingers. Everything is growing as it should and there were no concerns. The only issue, which is only an issue for me and not an actual problem is my placenta is at the front of my stomach called an anterior placenta. This means that annoyingly any movements baby makes will be not as obvious and weaker as the placenta cushions the kicks and movements. I am however feeling movement and have been since 18 weeks but sadly they aren’t as strong or obvious as they should be and we haven’t seen kicks on the outside yet.  I don’t htink it will be long though as the movements I can feel inside are getting much stronger! I can’t wait for the moment my Husband feels his baby kicking his hand for the first time and gets to experience just how amazing it is. I have to say feeling movement is the best thing I have ever ever experienced.

Now that we are past the 20 weeks mark I do feel more relaxed and slightly calmer about everything going on, going baby shopping and looking at prams etc. It doesn’t scare the hell out of me anymore, well not as much as it did. I am obviously very acutely aware of what could still happen but so far all is going well. I was starting to think that we were never going to be going to look at prams, cots or buy clothes and now it’s happening it’s so weird. I am getting excited about it all and can’t wait to have a little wardrobe of clothes and a nursery set up in what we have always called the ‘spare’ room but it is something I plan to take my time doing and will enjoy every second of.

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